How to Fix High Ping Problem in BGMI: Step By Step Guide

Tired of having High Ping while playing Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)? Don’t worry your are not the only one having this issue. Everyone face this problem and he’s we do lose some matches because of it ,well not to worry as I will tell you a step-by-step method to easily play your game without any hassle of PING!

Well it works on both Mobile Data or on Wi-Fi and it will fix your High Ping problem easily so let’s get started!

What is High Ping and what is it’s work?

Technically High Ping signifies how fast your Mobile is communicating (i.e. traveling/transfer of data) with the Game’s Server. High Ping means the latency(syncing) of your Internet is low. For a smooth Gaming Experience the Ping must be low.

This means that if the Ping is High then your Game may lag and your In-Game Activity will be paused which will result in a bad experience. This means if we want a smooth gaming experience then the Ping must be as low as possible e.g. 50ms or lower in General.

Step By Step Guide to Fix High Ping Problem

Step 1: Check your Internet Connection

The first step is to check if the Internet Connection is Stable. If you are using Mobile Data then be sure to atleast turn on/off the Aeroplane mode once a day to Reset the Network Settings or use 4G/5G data with Good Speed.

If you are using a Wi-Fi then ensure that your router is functioning correctly and there are no obstacles between your device and the router.

Step 2: Optimizing APN Settings

Changing your Access Point Name (APN) settings can significantly improve your network performance. To do this Follow these steps :

  1. Open Settings: Go to your device’s settings and select “Mobile Network.”
  2. Accessing APN: Tap on “Access Point Names” or “APN.”
  3. Create a New APN:
    • Name: Type J Internet A Prompt (Ensure the first letter of each word is capitalized).
    • APN: Type internet in lowercase without any spaces.
    • Username: Type Speed B Accelerated (with capital letters for the first letter of each word).
    • Server: Type in lowercase.
    • Authentication Type: Select PAP or CHAP.
    • APN Type: Type default in lowercase.
    • APN Protocol: Select IPv4/IPv6.
    • Bearer: Select all options (HSPA, UMTS, GPRS, LTE, EDGE).

Save the changes and restart your device to apply the APN Settings.

Step 3: Using a Gaming APN

For more Systematic and Gaming adapted users a Gaming APN can be a alternate choice. You can use the Gaming APN by using following steps :

  1. Create a New APN:
    • Name: Type Gaming X (with capital letters for G and X).
    • APN: Type LTE in capital letters.
    • Username: Type @ of X Pronate in lowercase without spaces.
    • Server: Type in lowercase.
    • Bearer: Select all available options.

Save the Changes and Restart your Device to apply the new APN Changes.

Step 4: Configuring DNS Settings

Using a fast and stable DNS(Domain Name System) can stimulate the Network Efficiency to provide better Latency in your Game. Follow these Steps :

  • Open Settings: Go to “Settings” and select “Connection & Sharing”.
  • Select Private DNS: Tap on “Private DNS” and choose “Designated Private DNS.”
  • Enter DNS Address: Type (provided by Cloudflare) or in lowercase.

Save the Changes and Restart your Device.

Extra Tips

  1. Closing any Background App that regularly requires internet access may help you to boost your internet speed in BGMI.
  2. Updating the Device Software to the latest version will help your device in case any network bug is causing HIGH PING.
  3. Restarting on a Regular basis like 2-3 days a week will help your device to boost its speed and work more smoothly.
  4. Using GFX Tool may also help to slightly increased the thrilling gaming experience and better graphics. Network stabilization and syncing is also a part of this.


We hope that by following the steps we have given you should have somewhat faced Low Ping. Following any 1 of the three steps will really be helpful or maybe the Extra Tips will be enough for you.

Try the methods we have given and Comment below if they worked or not for you. For more informative articles please Follow our website Notifications and Share it with your Friends.

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